Conducting Employee Surveys

In conducting the employee survey, we are happy to assist you in the following tasks:     

  • Creation and printing of the paper questionnaire and creation of the online questionnaire
  • Distribution of access data for online surveys or distribution of the paper questionnaire
  • Completing the questionnaire on time and ensuring participation
  • Organisation of the return of the completed paper or online questionnaires

The implementation of the employee survey takes place within a fixed time frame. The question of whether to conduct an online, paper or hybrid survey must already be decided in the planning phase. In principle, it is possible to give the eligible employee the choice between paper or online questionnaires.

More about this:

  • We are happy to create with you a user-friendly online or paper questionnaire, taking into account your company layout.     
  • The printing of the paper questionnaire can be done by us as well as on your own.

  • In the online employee survey, ISPA consult GmbH sends emails with the link to the questionnaire and the respective password to the participants, while maintaining the anonymity and compliance with the EU GDPR. Alternatively, TAN letters or TAN cards can be sent or distributed.
  • The distribution of printed paper questionnaires for the employee survey to the eligible employees usually takes place internally, either directly to the individual addressees or indirectly (via the respective executives).

  • It is important that the paper or online questionnaires are filled in on time, i.e. within the given period (usually 14 days + extension week). During or outside working hours, depending on the agreement.
  • Benefit from the years of survey experience of ISPA consult GmbH with employee surveys. We will give you tips on how to achieve a higher participation rate.
  • Hotliners from ISPA consult GmbH are happy to assist your employees with technical and other questions.

  • Completed paper questionnaires can either be sent to ISPA consult GmbH via collection points within the company or by direct mailing with return envelopes.
  • Completed online questionnaires are SSL encrypted and securely transferred to ISPA consult GmbH.