Once the agreed evaluation period has expired, the questionnaires are analysed and the evaluation of the event evaluation is then sent out. We are now pleased to be able to present the results to you. Based on the insights gained, you can now identify the strengths and weaknesses of your event and use targeted improvement measures to further extend your lead through foresight.

 On request, we can provide you with the results in the following report and overview forms:

Standard reports:

Detailed report - Report per event

reporting - detailed report


Epoch report - report for the agreed period of time (quarterly, half-yearly or similar)

reporting - epoch report

Frequencies (in %):
   - n: Number of participants who answered the respective question
   - Representation of the relative frequency distribution (‘strongly agree’ - ‘strongly disagree’)
   - Bars (graphical)
   - Percentage distribution

Mean values (mw):  Red bar: orientation aid
Median (md): Bar blue: Orientation aid
Standard deviation (s)

report explanation


Special analyses

Results or mean value overview

special analyses - event evaluation

The evaluation results can optionally be presented online or in person by ISPA consult GmbH.
And if the question now arises ‘What can we do with these results ...?’
Then it goes on to ‘’realisation‘’